Sunday, 25 September 2011


Positive aspects of the process - I think at the start of this unit I was very organised and had most things done on time like all of my pre-production tasks and I had finished my filming before the holidays so I was well ahead of time. I also think that my choice of actors for my movie was perfect for the characters I had created and it was really fun filming it all with them. I also think that I worked quite well with the editing programme because I'm usually not very good with complicated computer stuff so I did about as well as I could have with that. I'm also quite proud that I never got too stressed over the things that didn't quite go as planned, I just remained calm and I ended up finishing on time which is another bonus!
Steps in the process that could have been better done and strategies - I think that I should have found the cord that connects the video camera to the computer before I started filming as it took about 3 weeks to find it after I had filmed, even though I did find it in the end this would have meant that I'd have had more time to edit. My filming could have also been a lot better if I really thought about having cool camera angles and different types of shots as they are pretty basic and quite amateur. It also would have been better if I used a tripod but when i was filming it seemed like it wasnt wobbly at all, I only realised it was when I saw it on the computer. Using a tripod would have made it a lot better looking and much more professional.  Also once I'd found the cord, it took me a while to get started on editing the film I had interruptions like ski-trip and exams so I was not at school and not able to work on it, I could have been better organised with this and realised that I didnt have as much time as I thought and use lunchtimes as well as classtimes. My editing could have been a lot better if I had spent more time working on it because looking at it now I realise what else I could have done to make it look really cool but its too late =(.
How these changes may have affected the media product - If I had of made these changes I think my film would have looked a lot more professional and not so much like a home movie. At the moment it is very simple so if I had managed my time better I could have put cooler effects on it. If I had organised to use a tripod the movie would have been a lot stiller and better to watch.

Technology Standard

Camera Operation - I used a normal video camera to film my movie. My use of the video camera was a bit amateur and probably could have been better if I had access to a tripod as once I had finished my filming and I looked back on it, it looks quite wobbly and not very 'movie' like. Also at some points the lighting goes a bit dark so if I had of thought about that before I could have changed it to look better. But I think for my first time in making a real movie, i came up with some quite cool looking shots that come across very well when watching the movie.
Composing Shots -  I think I used a reasonably wide variety of different shots, for example i used close up shots of the girls when they were in the car talking. I also used wide shots when I filmed the car coming up the driveway and I used lots of normal medium shots for the general action. I think it would have been cooler if I maybe had used different angles more though because I really like the scene where I just show Rosey's feet leaving through the door and if there had been more like that it would be better.
Recording or using sound effects, dialougue or music - I dont think that using sound effects would have been appropriate in my movie because its more of a real life movie, not a cartoon. So instead I had a lot of dialogue between all of the girls as this was more "real life". The dialogue was also written as though they were typical teenage scatty girls which I think made it quite funny. I also used different music for each girl as a way to introduce the audience to the characters to what they are like. It's supposed to be the music they are listening to on their ipod and they are dancing or bopping their head to it. In the first girls scene I chose the song "walking on sunshine" because it's a really happy song and shows her emotions, that she is excited for the trip and the song shows that you would not consider her as a "rebellious" type.. In the second girls scene I chose "Party Rock Anthem" to show that this character is always up for a party and loves dancing. For the last girls scene I chose "Without Me" because its a rap song which can be associated with "rebellious" people so it shows that this character falls under that category.
Importing images and video files - Once i had finally found the cord to connect my video camera to the computer i found it really easy to import all of my videos onto the editing software as my files didnt need to be changed so I had no problems with this.
Creating music or sound effects - I didn't create any music, I already had the music files on my computer at home so this was easy to use them on my movie. I didn't have any sound effects.
Editing images for moving image production - Most of my clips just needed to be cut of at the end or start to make them look better and in some cases someone would laugh at the start or end and it had to be cut out, I found this quite easy to do on Adobe Premiere Pro as it was very simple and could be done quickly. I thought I did quite a good job with the filming of the phone conversation between Steph and Emily as I had filmed them both seperately but in the same clip, what I did was I had to cut these clips up at the right moment and join them all together at the right points so that it goes from Steph to Emily and so on. I also thought I did a good job at the end where you see the car backing out and then switch back to the girls talking in the car and then back out again to the car, this looked really cool and I was happy with how it looked.
Editing sound for moving production - I didnt change much with the sound other than when I wanted there to just be music heard I deleted the sound from the clips to make the music heard instead, once I had found out how to do this it was very easy to do for the rest of the opening. The other thing I did with sound was that at the end when the girls start singing in the car, i kept this going onto the next clip of the car backing out as I thought it would look cool and I think it did.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Mock Exams

Im hoping that I did quite well in the Genre essay because i spent a lot of the exam on it and wrote a lot so i hope that i got a good mark for it so that i can focus more on the representations essay at the end of the year. I dont think I did very well on the representations essay as I was a bit confused of what to write about so just wrote about all the things i remembered from the ads. I know i can do a lot better on this essay at the end of the year because we will have more time to revise and talk about it in class and i can practice writing essays more.